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Island of Whispers

Хардинг Фрэнсис

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The award-winning, bestselling Frances Hardinge and Emily Gravett unite for the first time to conjure up a thrilling fairy tale of ghosts and magic, highly illustrated throughout with a luscious blue ink.

On the island of Merlank, the Dead must not be allowed to linger. The very sight of their ghosts can kill you. When young Milo is thrust into the role of Ferryman following his father’s sudden death, he is the one who must carry away the Dead.

Pursued by a vengeful lord and two malignant magicians, Milo must navigate strange and perilous seas where untold threats whisper in the mist. Does he have the courage and imagination to complete his urgent mission?

From the Costa Book Award-winning Frances Hardinge, author of The Lie Tree and Unraveller, with spectacular illustrations from double Kate Greenaway Medal winner Emily Gravett, this riveting coming-of-age tale will sweep you away on an unforgettable journey.

Island of Whispers is a beautiful hardback glittering all over with silver moths, making the most exquisite gift for anyone who loves mysterious fantasy worlds and graphic novels. Perfect for fans of Neil Gaiman and Kiran Millwood Hargrave.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
260x205x13 мм



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