Solar System

Cruddas Sarah

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Part of an award-winning book series for children, this is the ultimate guide to our magnificent solar system and the astronauts who explore it.

An entertaining, educational adventure for young readers. Engage the senses through vivid deep-space photography, cutaways and illustrations, quiz questions, and quirky fun facts. It's the perfect book for any kid who can't get enough of outer space!

Supporting STEM-based learning, this fact-filled book for kids is perfect for ages 6-9 and contains key curriculum information. Although, age is but a number, don't let our recommendations put you off enjoying this absolute masterpiece of extraordinary astrology!

This kids' educational book is so much more than just another book about space. It allows children to discover the mysteries of asteroids hurtling through space, comets lighting up the sky, and the biggest star in our glorious solar system, the Sun. It also explores the steps we've taken to study outer space, like launching the International Space Station. Not to mention the exquisite photographs of nearby planets, stars, and astronomical bodies. Find stunning details on each of Earth's neighbouring planets, including fascinating facts about their moons, mineral makeup, and more.

While it's packed with a lot of information, it is presented in a way that can be read in snippets that are appropriate to any level of understanding. You can return to it over and over again to enjoy the majestic realm that is outer space in more detail.

Vetted by educational consultants, the DKfindout! series drives kids ages 6-9 to become experts on more than 30 of their favourite STEM- and history-related subjects.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
64 стр.
245x185x8 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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