How To Go Plant-Based. A Definitive Guide For You and Your Family

Mills Ella

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Despite the increasing number of people moving towards a plant-based diet, there are no clear, evidence-based mainstream books to help anyone looking to adopt this way of eating - either for themselves, or for their family. It can be overwhelming to switch to a plant-based diet, and you may have no idea where to start. Thankfully Ella Mills and her team at deliciously ella have done all the research for you. This book demystifies going plant-based, making it as easy, clear and delicious as possible, and features 100 new recipes to get you started on your plant-based journey.

How to Go Plant-Based is not just filled with family-friendly recipes, it's also a practical guide incorporating Ella's own journey, alongside scientific research and data, plus insights and information from plant-based experts, including doctors and nutritionists. Ella debunks the common myths surrounding eating a plant-based diet, shares her experiences of cooking for her family and emphasises the importance of making a plant-based diet accessible to everyone - for health, wellbeing, and the planet.

The book features 100 plant-based recipes for the whole family to enjoy, with tips on adapting recipes for anyone weaning their little ones. The recipes will also feature the signature deliciously ella concepts we all know and love: quick, easy recipes that use familiar ingredients, recipes perfect for batch cooking, freezable options, easy pastas and one-pots for weeknight meals, and portable snacks and treats. It also features the top 20 FAQs to eating this way, as sourced from Ella's social media following.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
288 стр.
250x200x30 мм
тип бумаги
Твёрдый переплёт



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