Cobuild Primary Learner's Dictionary 7+

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The Collins Cobuild Primary Learner's Dictionary is an engaging illustrated dictionary aimed at learners of English aged 7 and over. The dictionary has been specially created for primary school students, whose first language is not English, but who attend English-language schools.

Ideal for young learners of English and primary school students who are studying through the medium of English, the Collins Cobuild Primary Learner's Dictionary has been extensively updated to cover all the essential words, phrases, and idioms that students need to learn. The definitions are written using simple language and the dictionary contains thousands of examples of real English, showing the learner how English is really used. New to this edition is the inclusion of CEFR levels, helping learners to focus on the words that are most important. Throughout the dictionary, learners will find hundreds of line drawings illustrating key terms, and there is also a useful full colour illustrated supplement of essential topics.

Updated to include over 10,000 entries, the dictionary also includes a wide range of cross-curricular (CLIL) vocabulary items, which will help students studying English build their academic vocabulary, as well as gain confidence in writing and speaking English inside and outside the classroom. With a range of helpful worksheets as well as additional audio and video resources available online on Collins website, the Collins Cobuild Primary Learner's Dictionary is the ideal reference tool for young learners of English.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
596 стр.
200x130x25 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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