Dirty Laundry. Why adults with ADHD are so ashamed and what we can do to help

Pink Richard, Emery Roxanne

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If you have ADHD - or love somebody who does - Dirty Laundry will change your life, and your relationships.

Do you feel crippling shame because you struggle with cleaning, personal hygiene, or time-keeping? Do you always feel misunderstood by the people close to you and find that they get frustrated by your behaviour?

Dirty Laundry is an unfiltered look into the chaos of real life with ADHD. It will transform your self-hatred into self-acceptance, with simple tips that actually work for your brain. It will also help to educate partners, parents and friends, to help them move from frustration to patience, understanding - and love.

Learn how to:
- Stop believing you are fundamentally broken
- Stop judging yourself by the standards of a neurotypical world
- Communicate your struggles to those who love you
- Support someone with ADHD in ways that work for them
- Be compassionate rather than judgemental ...and much more.

From the husband-and-wife team behind social media phenomenon ADHD_Love, whose viral videos have been viewed more than 200 million times, comes a fearless, often outrageously funny, account of life, learning, and growing with ADHD. They share the strategies they have used to reduce shame, improve communication, and find happiness in their neurodivergent household.

Filled with heartbreak and humour in equal measure, Dirty Laundry is an invaluable resource both for neurodivergents and the people who love them.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
140 стр.
215x135x15 мм
тип бумаги
газетная (30-52 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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Dirty Laundry. Why adults with ADHD are so ashamed and what we can do to help

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