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The Iron Way

Leach Tim

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A gripping historical adventure set in the second century AD and based on legends of King Arthur, The Iron Way is the second in Tim Leach's breathtaking Sarmatian Trilogy.

AD 175, Vindolanda, Britannia. After their cavalry was broken by the legions on the frozen waters of the Danube, Sarmatian warrior Kai bought his peoples' lives with a pledge to serve Rome. Bound to the will of the Emperor, the Sarmatians are ready to fight and eager to die – death in battle is the only escape from the dishonour of their defeat.

Exiled from their home lands, they are ordered to take the Iron Way to the far north and the very edge of the Empire. Here, a great wall of stone cuts across the land as straight as the stroke of a sword. On one side, Rome's dominion; on the other, mist and rumours – stories of men closer to giants, of warriors who fight without fear or restraint.

For a people who knew no borders, who were promised war, garrison duty is cruel punishment. But as insurrection stirs on both sides of the wall, Kai will discover that every barrier has its weaknesses – and he will have his chance to fight, perhaps to die.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
307 стр.
198x130x20 мм
тип бумаги
газетная (30-52 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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The Iron Way

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