The Natural Menopause Method. A nutritional guide to perimenopause and beyond

Newby Karen

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The Natural Menopause Method is a complete one-stop guide to the perimenopause and menopause, covering everything from recognising symptoms to managing relationships and understanding which treatments really work. Author Karen Newby takes a wholistic approach to Midlife and the biological and social challenges it throws at us.

Everything you need to know about achieving nutritional balance to support flagging vitality and celebrate the potential of your midlife.

Are you tired all the time? Suffer with mood swings? Do you have stubborn weight gain especially around the middle? Are you dealing with brain fog? Is disturbed sleep making you feel exhausted?

The Natural Menopause Method is a nutritional guide to address these and many other common menopause symptoms; helping readers to navigate the biological and social challenges of midlife through the healing lens of food. Exploring topics from HRT to tackling hot flushes as well as self-help and lifestyle tips, this book provides practical advice on recognising and troubleshooting symptoms in order to understand what foods and supplements can really work for us.

Registered Nutritionist and lifestyle coach Karen Newby has over 10 years’ experience coaching women through the midlife, empowering clients to embrace life’s natural changes and feel reinvigorated, stronger, happier and healthier. Karen is a huge believer in the transformative effect that food can have on alleviating the symptoms of the menopause and her realistic, easily-integrated guidance on sleep, stress, energy, hormone balance (and even a 14-day cleanse) accompanied by her fresh and friendly approach will be your companion through the years before, during and after the menopause.

Topics include: What is going on in my body?; How to get rid of that stubborn weight gain; How to sleep better (and deal with night sweats); How to balance mood and curb sugar cravings; How to combat a foggy head; What to eat: food essentials for your perimenopausal store cupboard; A 14 Day Cleanse.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
160 стр.
230x165x25 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Твёрдый переплёт



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The Natural Menopause Method. A nutritional guide to perimenopause and beyond

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