Neurology and neurosurgery. Volume 2. Neurosurgery

Gusev Evgeniy Ivanovich, Konovalov Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Skvortsova Veronika Igorevna

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This textbook contains basic information on the main sections of fundamental and clinical neurology and neurosurgery. It provides up-to-date information on the anatomy, development and morphofunctional foundations of the nervous system; semiotics of neurological disorders; methods of examination of patients. The material on the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical picture of the most signifi cant and common diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system is presented; the fundamental principles of their topical and nosological diagnosis are laid down.
Modern approaches to the prevention and treatment (conservative and surgical) of the main forms of neurological pathology, issues of rehabilitation and medical and social expertise are highlighted.
The textbook is intended for medical students, junior physicians and residents studying neurology and neurosurgery.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
320 стр.
245x175x20 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Твёрдый переплёт


List of abbreviations
Introduction (A.N. Konovalov)
Chapter 1. History of neurosurgery (A.V. Kozlov)
Chapter 2. Examination methods in neurosurgery (A.N.
I.N. Pronin, A.V. Kozlov, A.B. Kadasheva, Е.М.
2.1. Clinical examination
2.2. Neuroimaging methods
2.3. Other neuroradiological methods
2.4. Electrophysiological methods
2.5. Diagnostic manipulations and interventions
Chapter 3. Fundamentals of neurosurgical pathology
(A.N. Konovalov, A.V. Kozlov)
3.1. Features of the structure of the nervous
3.2. Functionally significant areas of the brain
Chapter 4. Fundamentals of neurosurgical treatment
(A.V. Kozlov, Yu.V. Kushel, A.I. Belov, D.A. Golbin)
4.1. Tools and methods
4.2. Stages of neurosurgical intervention
4.3. Skull trepanation technique
4.4. Technique of spinal surgery
4.5. Intravascular neurosurgery
4.6. Radiosurgery and radiotherapy
Chapter 5. Malformations of the central nervous
(A.N. Konovalov, A.V. Kozlov, L.A. Satanin)
5.1. Malformations of the skull
5.2. Malformations of the skull and cervical spine
5.3. Malformations of the brain meninges
5.4. Malformations of the brain
5.5. Chiari malformation
5.6. Neural tube development defects
Chapter 6. Hydrocephalus (A.V. Kozlov, A.N.
Konovalov, L.A. Satanin)
6.1. Etiology and pathogenesis
6.2. Surgical management
Chapter 7. Infectious diseases of the central nervous
(A.V. Kozlov, O.N. Ershova, I.A. Aleksandrova)
7.1. Postoperative and posttraumatic meningitis
7.2. Osteomyelitis of the skull bones
7.3. Abscess of the brain or spinal cord
7.4. Subdural empyema
7.5. Epidural empyema
7.6. Specific infectious lesions of the central
nervous system
requiring surgical treatment
Chapter 8. Parasitic diseases of the nervous system
(A.V. Kozlov)
8.1. Cysticercosis of the brain
8.2. Echinococcosis of the brain
8.3. Toxoplasmosis of the central nervous system
Chapter 9. Tumors of the central nervous system (A.N.
D.Yu. Usachev, A.V. Kozlov, V.A. Cherekaev, A.V.
G.L. Kobyakov, L.V. Shishkina, МУ. Ryzhova)
9.1. Epidemiology
9.2. Risk factors
9.3. Etiology and pathogenesis
9.4. Specific issues of neuro-oncology
9.5. Secondary tumors of the central nervous
9.6. Features of neuro-oncology of childhood
9.7. Features of spinal cord and spine tumors
Chapter 10. Vascular diseases of the nervous system.
Brain stroke (А.Ы. Коnovalov, D.Yu. Usachev, О.B.
Belousova, АУ. Коzlov)
10.1. Ischemic stroke
10.2. Hemorrhagic stroke
10.3. Abnormalities of cerebral vessels
Chapter 11. Traumatic brain injury (А.Ы. Konovalov,
АУ Коzlov,
S.А. Еolchiyan, А. V. Оshorov)
11.1. Etiology and pathogenesis of primary brain
11.2. Mechanisms of secondary brain damage
11.3. Classification of traumatic brain injuries
11.4. Clinical presentation
11.5. Diagnosis
11.6. Clinical and morphological types of traumatic
brain injuries . . .
11.7. Principles of treatment of traumatic brain
11.8. Nasal liquorrhea
11.9. Other measures for traumatic brain injury
11.10. Complications and consequences of injury
Chapter 12. Vertebral column and spinal cord injury
(Ы.А. Konovalov, А.О. Guscha, АУ. Коzlov)
12.1. Etiology and prevalence
12.2. Closed vertebral column and spinal cord
12.3. Open injuries of the vertebral column and
spinal cord
Chapter 13. Degenerative spine disorders (N.A.
Konovalov, А.О. Guscha,
A.V Kozlov)
13.1. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification
13.2. Diagnosis
13.3. Degenerative disorders of the cervical spine
13.4. Degenerative disorders of the lumbar spine
13.5. Degenerative disorders of the thoracic spine
13.6. Treatment
13.7. Failed back surgery syndrome
Chapter 14. Functional neurosurgery (A.N. Konovalov,
A.A. Tomskiy,
E.D. Isagulyan, A.V. Dekopov, V.A. Shabalov, A.V.
Chapter 15. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system
(A.V. Коzlov, A.V. Shtok, A.N. Коnovalov)
Suggested reading



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