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How to Go to Work. The Honest Advice No One Ever Tells You at the Start of Your Career

Clayton Lucy, Haines Steven

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The definitive careers guide for starting out in today's working world.

It's never been tougher to get started in your career. In a world where entry-level positions require years of experience, it can feel like you've fallen behind before you've even begun. Even when you finally manage to get yourself a job, how do you make sure you're standing out from the crowd and succeeding?
In How to Go to Work, careers experts Lucy Clayton and Steven Haines deliver the indispensable guide to surviving and thriving at work. Whether you've just begun working your first Saturday shift, you're about to start an apprenticeship, or you're already climbing the leadership ladder, it's chock-full of the vital advice you need to jump-start your professional life.
This practical and accessible guide will show you how to:
- Find the right work experience and internships to make the best of your time
- Deal with mistakes and handle the pressure that comes with professional work
- Gain confidence, authority and resilience, and thrive in your role
- Navigate the ups and downs of your early career and make fast progress
From getting your foot through the door, to dealing with office politics and toxic workplaces, to negotiating pay, pensions and promotions, How to Go to Work is the essential manual for anyone embarking upon or consolidating their career. Using the collective wisdom of CEOs, creatives, scientists, activists and professionals in every industry, presented in the style of an entertaining but direct guide, Clayton and Haines prepare you for the ride of your life.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
400 стр.
180x110x25 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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How to Go to Work. The Honest Advice No One Ever Tells You at the Start of Your Career

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