Beating Endo. A Patient’s Treatment Plan for Endometriosis

Orbuch Iris Kerin, Stein Amy

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This empowering book provides the prescription by which women afflicted with endometriosis can reclaim their lives. Written by a surgeon and physical therapist who have treated women of all ages and helped them reclaim their lives.

Endometriosisis an inflammatory response that results when tissue is found outside the uterus, thereby initiating a disease process and an array of maladies accrue. Dr Iris Orbuch. is a surgeon and Amy Stein,a physical therapist, have seen endo's harm and agony up close and personal and they have created this self-care guide for women about how to deal with their endometriosis in order to:
1) Avoid surgery (if at all possible),
2) What to do before surgery (should they absolutely need it); and how
3) To live and what to do post-surgery - so that the women afflicted by this disease, can reclaim their lives.

Dr. Orbuch and Amy Stein have called upon those they call the endometriosis "warriors" - specialists in a range of practices with whom they routinely share knowledge and insights into what works for the women they care for. This is a multi-disciplinary holistic plan full of practices women can use to repair their bodies and lives.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
283 стр.
234x152x25 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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Beating Endo. A Patient’s Treatment Plan for Endometriosis

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