Pathological Anatomy. Textbook

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Оригинальное название:
Патологическая анатомия
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This textbook is a contribution by a community of experienced lecturers from the Academician A.I. Strukov Department of Pathological Anatomy, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), among contributors there are also leading experts from other medical universities. Coverage of the main issues of general and special pathological ana tomy is based on the principle of unity between structure and function. The authors tried to show not only the morphological basis of pathological processes and diseases, but also their connection with changes in body functions, resulting in certain symptoms of diseases, as well as the dynamics of their development. This approach provides a basis for further study of all clinical disciplines.
Besides pathological anatomy, the manual describes general medical concepts, rules of writing clinical and pathoanatomic diagnoses, categories and causes of diagnostic discrepancies, etc. It helps students develop clinical thinking possible only if based on deep knowledge and understanding of objective laws that underlie pathological processes in the affected body. Thus, the study of pathological anatomy is the most important stage in training clinicians and this text meets the challenge.
The textbook is intended for students of medical, pediatric, preventive medicine and dental facul ties of medical universities.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
752 стр.
246x175x50 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Твёрдый переплёт


Chapter 1. Morphology of metabolic disorders -
dystrophy (A. V. Berestova)
Chapter 2. Necrosis and apoptosis (E.A. Kogan)
Chapter 3. Disorders of blood and lymph circulation
(B.B. Saltykov)
Chapter 4. Inflammation (V.S. Paukov)
Chapter 5. Pathology of the immune system (S.G.
Radenska-Lopovok, A.A. Ivanov)
Chapter 6. Adaptation and compensation (V.S. Paukov)
Chapter 7. Tumors (E.A. Kogan)
Chapter 8. Introduction to nosology (V.S. Paukov)
Chapter 9. Diseases of blood-forming system (A. V.
Chapter 10. Cardiovascular diseases (V.S. Paukov, L.V.
Chapter 11. Pulmonary diseases (E.A. Kogan)
Chapter 12. Diseases of digestive system {A. V
Kononov, A.S. Tertychny)
Chapter 13. Diseases of the liver, bile ducts, and
exocrine part of the pancreas
(T.P. Nekrasova)
Chapter 14. Diseases of kidneys and urinary tract (L.O.
Severgina, V.A. Varshavsky)
Chapter 15. Rheumatic diseases (S.G. Radenska-
Lopovok, A.B. Ponomarev)
Chapter 16. Infections and infestations (V.S. Paukov)
Chapter 17. Nervous system diseases (A.B.
Chapter 18. Diseases of male reproductive system
(D.N. Fedorov)
Chapter 19. Endocrine system diseases (B.B. Saltykov)
Chapter 20. Diseases of breast genitals (T.A. Demura,
I.N. Voloshchuk)
Chapter 21. Pathological pregnancy (T.A. Demura, I.N.
Chapter 22. Musculoskeletal disorders (G.N. Berchenko,
V.S. Paukov)
Chapter 23. Skin diseases (VA. Smolyannikova)
Chapter 24. Childhood diseases (E.L. Tumanova, I.N.
Chapter 25. Childhood infections (I.N. Voloshchuk, A.S.
Chapter 26. Pediatric tumors (A.S. Tertychny)
Chapter 27. Diseases of the dentofacial system and
oral cavity organs (О. V Zayratyants)



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