Tales from Russian Folklore

Афанасьев Александр Николаевич

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Towards the middle of the nineteenth century, following the example of the Brothers Grimm in Germany, Alexander Afanasyev embarked on the ambitious task of sifting through the huge repository of tales from Russian folklore and selecting the very best from written and oral sources. The result, an eight-volume collection comprising around 600 stories, is one of the most influential and enduringly popular books in Russian literature. This large selection from Afanasyev's work, presented in a new translation by Stephen Pimenoff, will give English readers the opportunity to discover one of the founding texts of the European folkloristic tradition.

Displaying a vast array of unforgettable characters, such as the Baba-Yaga, Ivan the Fool, Vasilisa the Fair and the Firebird, these tales - by turns adventurous, comical and downright madcap - will enchant readers for their raw beauty and constant ability to surprise and excite.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
197x127x24 мм
тип бумаги
офсетная (60-220 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка


Tales from Russian Folklore
The Thieving Peasant
The Nightmare
The Slandered Maiden
The Wise Maiden
Vasilisa the Fair
The Milk of Animals
The Feigned Illness
The Miraculous Shirt
The Sea-King and Vasilisa the Wise
The Careless Word
The Prophetic Dream
Bird Language
A Hunter and His Wife
The Enchanted Princess
The Fossilized Kingdom
The Birch Tree and Three Falcons
The Riddles
Three Tales of the Dead
The Wood Goblin
A Sorcerer Meets His Match
The Diviner
The Utter Fool
Not What It Seems
Two Tales
Foma Berennikov
The Tale of the Evil Wife
The Prophetic Oak
Folk Anecdotes Tiresome Tales
For a Bast Shoe, a Hen; for a Hen, a Goose
The Fox-Confessor
The Animals in the Pit
The Cat, the Cock and the Fox
The Cat and the Fox
The Goat, the Ram and the Cat
The Pig and the Wolf
The Goat
The Wild Animals' Winter Quarters
The Hen
The Greedy Old Woman
The Tale of Ruff Ruffson Spikey
The Castle of the Fly
The Witch and the Sister of the Sun
Little Khavroshka
Baba-Yaga and the Runt
Truth and Falsehood
The King's Son and His Servant
The Kingdoms of Copper, Silver and Gold
Ivan the Cow's Son
The Seven Semyons
Koshei the Immortal
Kozma Skorobogati
The Horse, the Tablecloth and the Little Horn
The Magic Ring
Little Sister Fox and the Wolf
The Fox as Midwife
The Fox, the Hare and the Cockerel
The Peasant, the Bear and the Fox
The Sheep, the Fox and the Wolf
The Fox and the Black Grouse
The Fox and the Crane
The Fox and the Crayfish
The Bread Roll The Bear
The Bear, the Dog and the Cat
The Tale of the Fleeced Goat
The Cock and the Hen
Death of a Cockerel
The Tale of the Sharp-Toothed Pike
The Spider
The Bubble, the Straw and the Lime-Tree Bast
The Sun, the Moon and Raven Ravenson
The Volga and Vazuza
Jack Frost
Daughter and Stepdaughter
Nikita the Tanner
The Cockerel and the Little Handmill
The Legless and Armless Bogatyrs
The Little White Duck
The Turnip
By the Pike's Command
The Wolf and the Goat
The Foolish Wolf
The Crane and the Heron
The Swan-Geese
Frolka the Home-Body
Maria Moryevna
Prince Ivan and Byely Polyanin
The Crystal Mountain
The Tale of Prince Ivan, the Firebird and the Grey Wolf
The Firebird and Princess Vasilisa
Go I Know Not Where, Fetch I Know Not What
A Feather of Finist the Radiant Falcon
Elena the Wise
Three Riddles
Sister Alyonushka, Brother Ivanushka
The Frog Princess
The Princes of the Sun, Moon and Stars
The Golden Slipper
The Princess Who Never Laughed
The One-Eyed Evil
Clever Replies
The Death of a Miser
The Potter
The Thief
A Soldier's Riddle
Ivanushka the Little Fool
The Exchange
The Indiscreet Wife
Husband and Wife
The Miser
Folk Anecdotes
Note on the Text



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