Drums of Autumn

Гэблдон Диана

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Unforgettable characters... richly embroidered with historical detail... I just can't put it down. The Cincinnati Post In this breathtaking novel, rich in history and adventure, #1 New York Times bestselling author Diana Gabaldon continues the story of Claire Randall and Jamie Fraser that started with the now-classic novel Outlander and continued in Dragonfly in Amber and Voyager. Once again spanning continents and centuries, Gabaldon has created a work of sheer brilliance. What if you knew someone you loved was going to die? What if you thought you could save them? How much would you risk to try? Claire Randall has gone to find Jamie Fraser, the man she loved more than life, and has left half her heart behind with their daughter, Brianna. Claire gave up Jamie to save Brianna, and now Bree has sent her mother back to the Scottish warrior who was willing to give his life to save them both. But a chilling discovery in the pages of history suggests that Jamie and Claire's story doesn't have a happy ending. Brianna dares a terrifying leap into the unknown in search of her mother and the father she has never met, risking her own future to try to change history... and to save their lives. But as Brianna plunges into an uncharted wilderness, a heartbreaking encounter may strand her forever in the past... or root her in the place she should be, where her heart and soul belong. Remarkable a mix of history, fantasy, romance, and unabashedly ribald storytelling.
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количество страниц
910 стр.
235x155x40 мм
тип бумаги
газетная (30-52 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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Drums of Autumn

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