Elizabeth is Missing

Hearley Emma

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A thrillingly assured, haunting and unsettling novel, I read it at a gulp. (Deborah Moggach, author of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel). Elizabeth Is Missing will stir and shake you: the most likeably unreliable of narrators, real mystery at its compassionate core... (Emma Donoghue, author of Room). Resembling a version of Memento written by Alan Bennett. (Daily Telegraph). One of those mythical beasts, the book you cannot put down. (Jonathan Coe, author of The Rotters Club). Every bit as compelling as the frenzied hype suggests. Gripping, haunting. (Observer). If you're after a read you can't put down, then look no further. (New!). Elizabeth is Missing is the stunning, smash-hit debut novel from new author Emma Healey: meet Maud... Maud is forgetful. She makes a cup of tea and doesn't remember to drink it. She goes to the shops and forgets why she went. Sometimes her home is unrecognizable - or her daughter Helen seems a total stranger. But there's one thing Maud is sure of: her friend Elizabeth is missing. The note in her pocket tells her so. And no matter who tells her to stop going on about it, to leave it alone, to shut up, Maud will get to the bottom of it. Because somewhere in Maud's damaged mind lies the answer to an unsolved seventy-year-old mystery. One everyone has forgotten about. Everyone, except Maud... Emma Healey is 28 years old and grew up in London. She has spent most of her working life in libraries, bookshops and galleries. She completed the MA in Creative Writing: Prose at UEA in 2011. Elizabeth is Missing is her first novel.
код в Майшоп
возрастная категория
18+ (нет данных)
количество томов
количество страниц
294 стр.
200x130x20 мм
тип бумаги
газетная (30-52 г/м2)
Мягкая обложка



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Elizabeth is Missing

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